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Christian Message for 2012 - 20 Tips for the New Year

Christian Message for 2012 - 20 Tips for the New Year

"When life presents you with reasons to mourn, show that you have a thousand and one reasons to laugh." Anonymous

Are you enjoying life or what you let the circumstances take advantage of things? you ever thought that life is short and often we do not fully exploited, others come to live life as it comes the day and some people think that because the days are evil better not do anything, how sad to think that life is only living there.
In the Bible we find that human life reaches between 70Y 80 years (Psalm 90:10 second), if you pass that age feel lucky, but if you faltamucho or just encourage you to make good use of time.

Then I leave 20 Tips:
1. Take time each day in the morning of thanksgiving and praise to God . Fullfill the promises of God for your life, your marriage, your job. This creates a fertile mind ready for success. There is power in praise.

2. Be clear purpose when you wake up in the morning. Each day make the following statement: Today my purpose es_______________________.

3. Stay positive. You can listen to the cynics and skeptics who believe that success is impossible or can know that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible. God is present, all things are possible to him who believes.

4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are and think that of me, think optimistically about where you are going, plan what you need to reach your goal.

5. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college boy (rational).

6. Transform adversity into success by deciding that the change is not your enemy but your friend . See what are the opportunities.

7. Make a difference in the lives of others. Love, Forgiveness,, Serve.

8. Believe that everything happens for a reason, good esperandocosas stay out of difficult experiences.

9. Do not waste your valuable time in gossip, criticism, questions of the past, thoughts or negative things they can not control, and also thinking that the past was better or glorious .. It builds not discard.

10. Find a mentor or tutor. Everybody needs a Paul in our lives.

11. Live with the 4 E's. The energy, enthusiasm, empathy and above all the sweet companionship of the Holy Ghost.

12. Remember there is no substitute for hard work. Be strong, get to work. Act as if everything depended on you, trust as if everything depended on God.

13. Focus. Each day ask, "What are the three most important things I have to do today to help me create the success you desire?"

14. Complaints rather than look for possible solutions. Is the key to innovation.

15. Read more books than you read in 2008. Attend seminars for personal, ministerial, employment, marital, financial.

16. Learn from mistakes and failures, let them teach you how to make positive changes.

17. Every day you have to focus on what to do, not what to do. Life is a gift, not an obligation.

18. Every night before going to bed and be thankful to God complete the following statements:
I am grateful to God for __________.
Today confiado____________ sleep.

19. Smile and laugh more. They antidepresivosnaturales.

20. Enjoy the ride. Just a journey through life so you can enjoy optardisfrutarlo or not.
Friend, life is short and the days are evil, enjoy the time you have to live it to the max, but especially pleasing to your maker when you die everyone can feel it. God designed and trained to live and do great things.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we practice." Ephesians 2:10 (NIV).

The essence of life is to go forward. Do not wait for things to change, up to you to this day an extraordinary day.
In love and leadership,

Pedro Sifontes
Speaker and Leadership Coach and Coaching. Founder and Director, Center for Creative Leadership. Shepherd Center Family Good News International, Panama.
Contact :

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